What is Chestnut Flour - Nutrition, Benefits & How to Make it

Chest flour and how it is made

We are all looking for healthy food options and recipes, especially people who are allergic to gluten or avoid it for health reasons.

It can sometimes become tough to maintain a diet and find healthy alternatives. However, knowing about some healthy substitutes for regular food, their benefits, and what can be made from them can help maintain a healthy diet.

One excellent substitute for regular flour is chestnut flour. Chestnut flour is made from dried water chestnuts and is packed with nutrients and minerals.

What is Chestnut Flour?

Chestnut flour is a gluten-free flour made by grinding dried chestnuts to a fine powder. When produced commercially, the chestnuts are first roasted to enhance their nutty flavor. After roasting, they are ground in a mill or grinder.

Since chestnut flour is gluten-free, many chestnut flour recipes are being developed and used.

Related post: Low Calorie Flours

Benefits of Chestnut Flour

Water chestnuts are full of nutrients and minerals, so chestnut flour benefits are many.

  • Full of nutrients: Chestnut flour contains slow-digesting carbohydrates, which makes it suitable for people who exercise and try to stay fit. It is also high in fiber and contains magnesium, potassium, copper, vitamins B6 and B9, phosphorus, and manganese.
  • Full of fiber and energy: Chestnut flour aids digestion and gut health. Its high fiber content helps digest food, relieves constipation, maintains blood sugar levels, and feeds the probiotic bacteria in the gut. The bacteria help absorb nutrients better.
  • Acts as an Antioxidant: Some unstable molecules are formed during regular metabolism or heavy exercise. These molecules (or free radicals) damage our cells. Antioxidants protect our cells against free radicals. Chestnut flour has copper and manganese, which fight and eliminate these free radicals. Chestnut flour prevents cancer and heart disease.
  • Maintains healthy teeth and bones: Our body needs calcium and phosphorus to maintain good bones and teeth. Chestnut flour is high in calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Magnesium helps the other minerals function properly, forms tooth enamel, and guards bones against damage due to age, inactivity, etc.
  • It encourages improved brain function: Our body needs B-complex vitamins to function well, reduce stress, and maintain our nervous system and metabolism. Chestnut flour has vitamins B6 and B9, ideal for improved brain functioning. It is also said to help older people, especially those with Alzheimer's.

How to Make Chestnut Flour at Home

We can easily make chestnut flour at home from fresh chestnuts to make delicious and healthy chestnut flour recipes.

  1. Cut an X on the rounded side of the chestnut using a sharp knife.
  2. Spread the chestnuts on a baking sheet.
  3. Roast them in the oven for around 30 minutes or until you can peel the shells.
  4. Let them cool completely.
  5. Then, remove the peel and outer skin entirely. This might be time-consuming, but it is essential as the outer skin is bitter.
  6. Grind the chestnut to a fine powder in a processor or blender.
  7. Sift the powder once.

Ta-da!! Your healthy chestnut flour is ready!

Popular Chestnut Flour Baked Goods and Dishes

    • Roti/ Tortillas: If you are avoiding gluten but love rotis, chestnut flour rotis are the best option.

With the Rotimatic, within 90 seconds, your chestnut flour roti will be ready!!

Know More

  • Castagnaccio: This is a traditional Italian dessert made using chestnut flour, olive oil, rosemary, etc.
  • Pancakes and crepes: Chestnut flour pancakes are fluffy, light, and tasty. Since they are naturally gluten-free, they are a healthier option for a quick breakfast.
  • Biscotti: Chestnut flour is the most famous in Italy, so it's no wonder Italian chestnut flour has many uses and is versatile. Like a biscotti, a double-baked cookie, the nuttiness from the chestnut flour makes it even tastier.
  • Cookies: Avoiding gluten does not mean not eating cookies. Chestnut flour can be used to make a variety of cookies.
  • Quick bread: Grain-free banana bread made from chestnut flour tastes good. The same goes for gingerbread.
  • Coffee cake and spice cakes: Chestnut flour can also be used to make coffee or fruit cakes.
  • Chestnut flour pasta: Pasta made from chestnut flour is tasty, cooks well, and has flavors that go well with rosemary and kale. Who says healthy food cannot be delicious or you can't have pasta on a diet?!
  • Polenta: It is a type of porridge originally from Northern Italy. It is made with boiled cornmeal, but it can also be made with boiled chestnut flour.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What's the difference between chestnut flour and regular flour?

The main difference is the presence of gluten. Regular flour is full of gluten, while chestnut flour is gluten-free since it is made with just one ingredient—chestnuts. Water chestnut flour also has more nutrients and fiber, but regular flour has more protein.

2. How to store chestnut flour?

Chestnut flour should be stored in an airtight container in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.

If it is homemade, consume it within a few weeks. If you have a large batch, freeze half for later use. Store-bought chestnut flour should also be used within a few months of buying it. To extend its life, it is best to put it in the fridge or freezer.

3. What are the best substitutes for chestnut flour?

A few other nut flours can be used in place of chestnut flour. Almond flour has a more neutral flavor than chestnut flour but also has more fat. The closest substitute for its nutty texture and taste is hazelnut flour. Another popular option is coconut flour, which is more commonly available and has many health benefits.


Giving up on your favorite foods while on a diet or trying to lose weight is not necessary. The key is making the right choices and switching to healthy alternatives. Chestnut flour is an excellent substitute for regular flour and has several health benefits. Learning quick, easy, and tasty recipes made with chestnut flour will make your fitness journey more effective and fun.