Healthy Eating Daily @ 5 Cents A Roti With Rotimatic

It’s no coincidence that both the rise in obesity and the rise of eating outside food have shot up in recent decades. In a system where our food passes through so many hands, there’s little control over what we are feeding our families. Cooking at home is empowering. You can be sure of the exact ingredients that go into your meals. Since outside food has different priorities than your home kitchen (they want to make something irresistibly tasty before considering how healthy it is, most of the time), you can reclaim a pretty significant part of your health by being in control of your food hands-on.
With Rotimatic, our endeavour is to ensure you don’t have to choose between health and convenience.
Homemade rotis come with a host of health benefits:
Rotis are made with whole grains
If you make roti or chapati with whole wheat flour (recommended with your Rotimatic), it can be really healthy for the body. Whole grains are filled with fibres and are nutritious. They are rich in carbs, soluble fiber and proteins. This helps boost your body energy, increase blood circulation and keeps you full.
Rotis are nutritious and low in calories
This whole grain is a rich source of vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6, B9), iron, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, etc. so you should not avoid roti in your diet. Replacing roti with bread and wraps can deplete your health in the long term.
Rotis have a low Glycemic index
Carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables and grains are not metabolized into glucose at the same rate. Some are quickly digested, causing spikes in blood glucose and insulin release, while others are broken down more slowly, which impacts blood sugar and insulin levels to a much lesser degree. The glycemic index is a comparative measure of how quickly a carbohydrate is reduced into glucose. Whole wheat rotis have a Glycemic index lower than both white bread and white rice.
Rotis are easy to digest
As rotis are made with whole grains, it is very easy to digest them. They dissolve easily and passes out into the intestines.
Rotis are fresh
As roti dough is kneaded few minutes before roasting, it is very fresh and healthy for the body. Other breads are fermented and they can be filled with fats and calories. Moreover, flour of freshly made rotis is not bleached with chemicals to last longer. So, it protects your body from, cardiovascular diseases and obesity.
Roti influences vata and pitta doshas
According to Ayurveda experts, roti helps balance the vata (controls all movement in the body, including breathing, digestion, and nerve impulses from the brain ) and pitta (controls digestion, body metabolism and energy production) dosha.
PS: Rotimatic orders are now open in the US. Priority links are being sent to people who signed up on the waitlist. To register your interest head here
Transform your food with Rotimatic - tailor your meal according to your needs & indulge in low-calorie, healthy rotis for a nourishing lifestyle!